

OMG, guys. Yesterday, I found like, the BEST KELLY CLARKSON SONG EVER. EVER! I couldn't believe I had never heard it, it's SO awesome. It's called Long Shot, it's a Katy Perry cover. Yet, honestly, I think Kelly's version is way better. No offense to Katy, btw, lover her, but her version just sounds a little pitchy. Anyway, it's SUCH a good song, you HAVE to check it out. Anyway, just wanted to tell you guys about it =]
Hope you like it, you can find it on YouTube!

Kira xox

1 comment:

  1. Hey lady!

    I'm listening to the song now, and you're totally right. Hate to say it because I ADORE Katy Perry, but the Kelly version is better! I am seriously considering buying this on iTunes, I just found it there too!

    :) Miss Woodruff


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