

YEAHHH! Okay, so recently I've had a mysterious obsession out of nowhere for that old song by Alanis Morissette, You Oughta Know. I don't know why, I've just been singing it like everyday, and I just downloaded it on iTunes. It's AWESOME! It makes me feel really EMPOWERED, and I've never even been in a relationship! So, if for some reason you've never heard this song or you're feeling crappy about your ex or something, GO DOWNLOAD IT! Another interesting fact, it's rumored to be about Dave Coulier. Yes, Dave Coulier, JOEY, FROM FULL HOUSE. Weirddd, right? Anyway, I also have some awesome girl-icious news, Lady GaGa, our favorite female pop artist, is up for two Kid's Choice Awards! Wooo! She's nominated for Best Female Musician and Favorite Song (Paparazzi). Vote for her here--

Vote! Remember, GIRLS RULE!

Kira xox

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