
Review of Christina Aguilera's New Video For 'You Lost Me'

So, Christina Aguilera's music video for her new single, 'You Lost Me' premiered on Vevo today. I was all excited because, as you know, I LOVES Xtina, but I was actually pretty disappointed. Now, don't get me wrong, the SONG itself is really good, but the video was just...no. It's basically just Christina dramatically walking around, hugging herself, and crying. And then, in one part, some big shirtless muscular guy (you can't see his face) walks over and starts trying to pick her up but she just flails at him, and then when he backs off, SHE STARTS TO UNDRESS. Like, dude. If he backed off, I don't think he's going to like, rape you. Just RUN AWAY. YOU'RE LIKE ON A GIANT EXPANSE. And, I was also thinking, WHERE DID THIS GUY COME FROM? She just looks like she's lying on the ground in the middle of nowhere all peaceful, and suddenly this guy comes in and ruins the whole thing. It was really weird. I mean, I think Christina's better than just crying around and feeling sorry for herself, but, oh well. I'm sure Miss Aguilera will redeem herself. Let's keep watching!

Kira xox

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