
NO--The Ting Tings Signed to Jay-Z's New Record Label

Okay, people I have VERY bad news. Well, I don't know if it'll be bad news for you guys, but...THE TING TINGS SIGNED TO JAY-Z'S US RECORD LABEL ROC NATION! I know it'll probably make them loads of money and make them really famous but come on, JAY-Z is going to produce some of their new tracks! I'm worried that they'll just follow the same path as all those indie bands take. They get tons of money thrown at them and so much pressure put on them that their music's really not that good anymore. I remember The Ting Tings saying that they would do everything themselves, but now I'm not sure. I think they are the best band ever (well, aside from The Beatles, eheh) and hopefully this will be for better instead of for worse, because that would really suck since they have such great music. Well, keep an eye open for The Ting Tings' new album! We're all waiting!

Kira xox

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kira!
    I completely agree, the Ting Tings rock and I hope stupid Jay-Z doesn't destroy what they've been doing! Wouldn't it be awful if he added the now popular overload of autotuning or horrible electronic drum beats? Nice blog by the way!

    Miss Woodruff


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