
News on We Have Band!

Hey, everyone! I woke up to a very exciting e-mail this morning about some new We Have Band stuff. First of all, they are releasing their debut album (which I have been waiting for FOREVER) in early 2010! WOOT! Next, you can get a little sneak peek with a free (yes, free) download of their new song Honey Trap and the artwork for the single! It's an awesome song, you should definitely download it! Stay tuned for a new video and some remixes, too. Here's the little download window for Honey Trap--

Enjoy, guys!

Kira xox


Check Out The Ting Tings On the Cover of Paper Mag!

Ah yes, the one and only Ting Tings are on the latest issue of Paper Mag! A great cover pic and interesting article about how they got started AND their paint party in LA (OH YEAH!). Check it out! Here's the link--

Kira xox


Free 'Little Bird' Download From Eels' New Album!

The new Eels album 'End Times' won't be released until January 19, 2010, but you can get a sneak peek now for free! It's a song called 'Little Bird'. I just listened to it, it's really peaceful and cute. Download it while you can still get it for free! I'll post the little e-mail submission thing here--

And by the way, some unrelated news, La Roux hates The Ting Tings! Now, that doesn't make me like her less or anything, but I just thought it was kind of surprising since their music's in the same area. Still love them both, though! Just thought I'd put it out there...

Kira xox


NO--The Ting Tings Signed to Jay-Z's New Record Label

Okay, people I have VERY bad news. Well, I don't know if it'll be bad news for you guys, but...THE TING TINGS SIGNED TO JAY-Z'S US RECORD LABEL ROC NATION! I know it'll probably make them loads of money and make them really famous but come on, JAY-Z is going to produce some of their new tracks! I'm worried that they'll just follow the same path as all those indie bands take. They get tons of money thrown at them and so much pressure put on them that their music's really not that good anymore. I remember The Ting Tings saying that they would do everything themselves, but now I'm not sure. I think they are the best band ever (well, aside from The Beatles, eheh) and hopefully this will be for better instead of for worse, because that would really suck since they have such great music. Well, keep an eye open for The Ting Tings' new album! We're all waiting!

Kira xox


New Ting Tings 'Great DJ' Video Premieres Today!

Ack. Sorry I haven't blogged in like forever, but I am back with VERY VERY VERY exciting news!!! The Ting Tings (YEAH!) have premiered their new video today for their re-released single of 'Great DJ'. And guess what it is? IT'S THE PAINT PARTY I WENT TO! Yes, indeeds. And it is TING-TASTIC. Okay, I know I'm a total freak for using that word. Here's the link to the video on Spinner--

Tell your friends, and tell me if ya see me! ;)

Kira xox