
Hailie Wallas!

Today I got a random friend request from a girl named Hailie Wallas. We had no mutual friends, so I decided to check out her profile. It said she was a musician, so I looked at her music on her MySpace page. Guess what? IT'S FREAKING AMAZING. She's French, I believe, and her music reminds me a lot of Uffie's. I know I probably sound like a total hypocrite right now since I'm always bashing Ke$ha for ripping off Uffie, but I don't know, I just really like this Hailie Wallas girl. I mean, I don't even know whether her or Uffie came first, anyway. I mean, Uffie's not the ONLY white girl rapper, right? And they're definitely both better than Ke$ha, for one thing. So, I guess it comes down to if you like Uffie, I suggest you check out Hailie Wallas. Her music isn't available on iTunes at the moment, but you can listen to it at http://www.myspace.com/callmehailie. Happy listening!

Kira xox


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  3. Oh, thanks for correcting that, I totally forgot!



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